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Let's get back to basics!

The foundation for health stems from the family system, in the home, feeling safe, regulating our nervous systems, and of course, focusing on the foundations for health. 

Actions to create this include eating nutritiously dense meals, engaging with our food, moving our bodies, spending time in nature, drinking clean water, and human connection. 


I trust and believe that medicine should stem from this construct. My goal as a practitioner is to educate, encourage, and support people to live the way we have always been designed to live. Make your own food, spend time outside, connect with your loved ones, learn about the world around us, consistently engage with your spirituality, and enjoy life. 


Let's break through our barriers we put on ourselves and get back to basics!


Naturopathic medicine is a comprehensive and holistic approach to healthcare that draws inspiration from the healing powers of nature. Naturopathic medicine blends centuries-old wisdom with modern scientific understanding to address the root causes of health imbalances. Naturopathic medicine is designed to identify and remove obstacles to healing while supporting the body's natural processes, emphasizing prevention, and promoting overall well-being. 


Natural medicine is synonymous with vital medicine.

Our bodies possess an innate ability to heal themselves, provided that the foundation for success is in place. Remarkably, our bodies often heal without us even realizing it, tirelessly striving to keep us in good health. However, when our system reaches its limits, symptoms start to emerge.

The essence of natural medicine lies in aiding these inherent healing processes of the body. Through the use of various tools, including homeopathy, herbal medicine, hydrotherapy, lifestyle adjustments, nutritional supplementations, and when necessary, medications, naturopathic medicine is designed to uncover the root causes of disruptions. Once we identify and remove the underlying issues, symptoms naturally dissipate, and the body regains its harmonious balance. 

Image by Marcelo Leal
Acupuncture Tools


Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a time-honored system of healthcare that has endured for millennia. It encompasses a wide range of practices and techniques, including acupuncture, moxibustion, gua sha, cupping, Qi Gong, Tai Chi, and nutritional therapy.


At the core of TCM is the concept of Qi, often referred to as the vital energy or life force within the body. Qi is believed to flow through a network of channels that traverse every aspect of the body. Its harmonious flow can be influenced by physical, mental, and emotional factors, and the goal of TCM is to rebalance Qi, promoting overall well-being and supporting the entire system.


In my practice, I integrate these traditional techniques with Classical Acupuncture, drawing inspiration from Master Tung and the principles of 5 Element Theory. This approach allows me to tailor treatments to the unique needs of each individual patient, seeking the most effective and personalized solutions.


Traditional Chinese Medicine offers a broad spectrum of potential benefits, addressing a wide array of health concerns, including menstrual irregularities, fertility issues, headaches, digestive problems, pain management, sleep difficulties, blood pressure imbalances, anxiety, depression, and acute health conditions. It is a holistic and time-tested approach that aims to restore balance and vitality, allowing individuals to achieve a state of optimal well-being. 


Nutrition is undeniably foundational to our well-being. While supplements have their place, they can never truly replace the essential nutrients our bodies require from whole foods. Food, in its purest form, is the best medicine available to us. Yet, in the rush of modern life, we have lost touch with our connection to food. Often, we prepare meals without much thought or abandon the joy of cooking altogether.


My goal in nutrition coaching is to reignite the joy of food and cooking. I encourage you to make culinary adventures a family affair, rediscovering the art of creating meals that nourish not only your body but your soul. We will delve into the fascinating world of food origins, guiding you to make informed choices about eating seasonally and locally, while also expanding your culinary horizons with new ingredients and flavors. 


Beyond the food on your plate, we will explore the broader context of your life. The way you eat, live, and approach your daily routines has a profound impact on your overall health. We will delve into the details of your lifestyle, helping you thrive, not just survive. Through personalized guidance and support, we will work together to empower you to make conscious choices that foster optimal health and well-being. 

Image by Nathan Dumlao
Image by Olena Sergienko


Just as food forms the bedrock of our physical health, the environment within our homes serves as the cornerstone for growth, development, and emotional well-being. Much like a well-balanced diet, the atmosphere and dynamics within the home play a pivotal role in our overal health. It is here that we place emphasis not only on our individual health but on the health and well-being of your entire family.


My goal is to extend support to everyone, as no one is excluded from the journey to improved health. In my practice, I work with the entire family, promoting lifestyle changes that can be embraced collectively. This collaborative approach strengthens the bonds within the family and fosters a sense of unity in pursuing a healthier lifestyle. 


Introducing children to the concept of health early in life can have a profound impate. When kids become interested in health from a young age, they are more likely to lead fulfilling and health-conscious lives as they grow. By prioritizing the well-being of the entire family and instilling healthy habits in the younger generations, we not only ensure the health of today but also lay the foundation of a healthier future.

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